It’s sad to see Washington Capitals Head Coach, Bruce Boudreau, lose hold of his team. He was fired over the weekend. Sounds like he lost the locker room long before that. He turned the Caps around not too long ago. Won the Southeast Division. Got bounced too early in the playoffs. He’ll land another gig in another town in a short amount of time. They’ll be lucky to have him.
I was lucky enough to work with Bruce on a couple spots for our friends at Mercedes. As mentioned in the Post article, the Bird Calls spot really lets his personality shine. He was a naturally funny guy. And he was a pro. He wanted to do a great job. Weather it was coaching. Or shooting a comercial. He went all out.
Seriously, there will never, ever be a better local ad campaign than this one, with Boudreau doing bird calls. Dan Steinberg, Washington Post
Bird Calls