Think about it for a moment …………………………………………….........… moment over. Our goal is not to get someone to buy something. True story. If that’s all we had to do, starbursts and BOGOs would rule the day. What a shitty day. Our aim is to entice people to dream about the possibilities of what that something could do. The benefit behind the benefit, as it were. But just laying that out is dull and uninspiring. People prefer to dream.
How many times have you been in a meeting, a boring as hell meeting, and you begin to daydream. Your mind is trying to free you from the shackles of a bland reality. You’re not even sure when you started daydreaming or where it came from, but there it is. And it’s splendid. Divine. Soaring. And then, someone calls your name. You’re back in the meeting eating a pile of vanilla buzzwords. Lucky you. That’s why dreams are our minds escape ladder. The spontaneous daydreams. They elevate us to a higher and more enjoyable state of being. Again, and this is most crucial, the mind - your mind - just does this. Again, think about it for a moment ………… shorter moment over. When have you ever thought to yourself, “Ok brain. It’s time to dream. Launch dream rocket.”? Doesn’t work that way. Not for you. Not for anyone. Your brain just does it. Perhaps as a result of some ancient, pre-programmed survival mechanism. Preventing us from literally being bored to death. Sounds pretty damn necessary to me.
Let’s be kind to the mind and go way out of our way to invite people (a.k.a. consumers) into that splendid surreality (I know that’s not a real word. But in the surreal, it’s quite alright). An escape from the mundane. Permission to dream. Your consumers will thank you mightily for that. How? They’ll buy the product or service you’re encouraging them to dream about. They’ll rave about you to their closest friends and family. Hell, they might even like your post on social media!
Dream over.
Back to your meeting.
Oooooooh look, a pie chart.